Stormy weather wreaks havoc on “Immer wieder Sonntags”
Thunderstorm Interrupts “Immer wieder Sonntags”
The summer season of “Immer wieder Sonntags” was marred by bad weather on the fourth episode. Host Stefan Mross and his guests had to deal with the tremendous rain that followed an absence of the show the previous week. While the show is typically an excellent remedy to Sunday boredom, viewers got more than they bargained for as the weather was unbearable.
Laughing in the Rain
Despite the heavy downpour, Stefan Mross managed to lead the show and make light of a gloomy situation. He joked that the weather was not terrible, equating it to tears of joy from the heavens. The 47-year-old presenter took the situation in his stride while hosting the show under the dangerous wet weather conditions.
Norman Lange
Guest Norman Lange found the horrid weather compromising as he was to cook a Curry- Meat Pie; the kitchen only had a partial cover, and all the pans and stove were soaked, forcing him to improvise. Some viewers joked that the show’s management and organizers have seized several opportunities to better their audience’s experience by accommodating a canopy to cover the outdoor kitchen.
Evolution of TV Shows
Although poor weather conditions are inevitable, one could argue that organizers of TV shows should come up with more innovative ways to accommodate contingencies to ensure the show goes on with minimal or no disruptions. While the evolution of TV shows has made it possible for viewers to enjoy the program from the comfort of their homes, it has also come with unprecedented challenges.
“Immer wieder Sonntags” is an excellent show. However, appropriate measures to ensure the program goes on in all weather conditions should be taken. This would go a long way in making sure viewers do not miss out on the program’s episodes.
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